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My Skin Cancer Story

If you don’t know my story, I was diagnosed with skin cancer in 2011. I had a spot on the side of my face that would not heal.

I dreaded going to the doctor because I knew it was probably not good. I honestly did not realize it could be skin cancer.  Maybe it just was denial.

They took a biopsy and sure enough – I had skin cancer.  The Basal Cell kind, not the Melanoma kind – I knew I was lucky. 

I had to have Mohs surgery to remove it.  My kids were young, and my husband was out of town so, I had to go in on my own. I am pretty tough and independent but wow that was scary.

Have you ever had a needle stuck into the side of your face?  Let me tell ya – it hurts!  They went through it the first time removing the cancer cells.  They had to then take a sample when done to see if they got it all.  Of course, it still tested positive for cancer cells so they had to numb my face a second time and take out more layers of skin.  

Luckily the doctor was funny and sarcastic – right up my alley for a tough situation.  When he asked me if I wanted to see it before he sewed me back up I said yes.  Not sure what I was thinking. I will spare you the details but it was the size of a quarter. It took everything in my power to not lose it right then and there.  I mean how the heck could you sew up the size of a quarter on the side of my face and  “look” somewhat normal again?  

The doctor tugged and pulled and I asked if he was going to pull my face off.  He laughed and said, “Just think – at least you will have a half facelift”.  Anyone who knows me knows how ironic that is.  I would never volunteer to have any work or surgery of any kind done for cosmetic purposes.  God made us grow old and I am going to embrace it!

The doctor of course was amazing and did magic.  While I can tell my face is a hint different on one side vs the other, no one else ever would guess I image.  

After the surgery, I made it to my car before I lost it.  I sat in the parking lot and cried feeling overwhelmed and sorry for myself.  I was sent home being told I could not work out (that was hard!) and to keep my skin moist to prevent too much of a scar.  I kept ointment on it and prayed for the best!  I was lucky as you can hardly see the scar today. 

About 2 years after the surgery I was looking into a more natural approach for skin care. I don’t wear makeup and wanted to go the extreme of something simple and natural without 50 ingredients but also affordable.  Oddly enough at the time I couldn’t find anything – so I decided to make my own.  The brand Some Essentials was created and here we are today.  

I am not sure if this helps and if you have gone through something similar but if you have I understand!  I don't know if it is just the sun or chemicals or a combination of both that can contribute to cancer but my gut says chemicals have a lot to do with cancer these days. There are also a lot of studies that help prove that point.

I am going to grow old, that is just a fact of life. I am choosing to embrace it not shy away from it. I don’t need the latest creation to try and make myself look younger.  I care about my health and just want to have simple natural ingredients – that’s it.  I am 51 and I am proud of where my skin is at – subtle scar and all.

Thanks for listening! Have a blessed day!